Sunday, December 1, 2013

Angle Madness! - Drawer Webbing

Putting together drawers is like putting together mini projects in the middle of a bigger project :) At least it feels like it when you get little bits of time here and there to work on a project!

In this episode, which is noticeably lacking in action shots I'll warn, we go over how the drawer webbing goes into the drawer tiers. Webbing isn't very complicated, but there are a few considerations made for this particular project due to the angles and due to the lack of support directly under the lower panel.

Leaving the sanding of the drawer front to last as I do here is the best way to get a perfectly-matched front that is flush with the surrounds when doing an applied drawer front. I haven't gone through to sand those yet since I'd rather take advantage of this last day of the long weekend to get the top panels cut along with some of the glue blocks that will go inside each tier to strengthen the lower panel (all using offcuts that already have the correct angles!)

Not sure where the next episode will go yet; I have some materials to order for the metal rods that interconnect the tiers as well as some inlay material. While awaiting that, I can wrap up installing the top panels, glue blocks, and getting the base done.

The base?!?

Yes, waaay back in the design episode, I showed a square box as a base; all three tiers are supported over that box with the metal rods.  Yeah, that base...

Well, so much for more progress on the last day of the long weekend... neighbor came over with beer, but I had a growler of fine Winter Warmer. No touching tools after that!  Especially since I was in the middle of rabbeting the top of the diamond so I could install panels... it was back to the triangles and cross-cut sled with a 5/8" dado on an angle.  That can wait; yup...


  • Brian said...

    sometimes your angel madness make my head hurt. it should be called angle insanity!

  • HalfInchShy said...

    You're not the only one! I was rabbetting the beveled top piece that goes on the topmost tier (the one that bevels in to give the diamond look) and I did 2 passes to make the full width of the rabbet without thinking that leaves a ridge and doesn't get the correct thickness. grrrr... running a rabbet on a board with a dado stack is trivial, but this screws with my head sometimes.

    Fixed the couple messed up rabbets, did a repair for a bad joint (on video; will show that trick once I have some finish over it so you see the result).

    I want it done this year!

  • Brian said...

    good luck with that, you should take a few days off from work :)