Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Well, that was no fun...

If you'll recall, nearly two months ago I transferred my domain and hosting to a new provider for a variety of reasons including more storage and bandwidth for much less... Short version is that the transfer stayed in limbo until today when I got charged by my old provider, so i noticed the transfer never happened. Why? I dunno. Anyway, it happened today with all the rocky bumpy cussing-out-loud needed to get it back online after a nearly half-day blackout.

-sigh!- that sucked :)

Anyway, the site is back up and propagating nicely. I'm actually in LA this weekend for a family function but also getting a design review from a friend for the next project starting this week. It actually started awhile ago, but I need the mock-up completed first; you really don't want me trying to describe this one with hand waving or -gasp- drawing (my drawing in particular!). If you ever felt like dabbling in compound angles, this project is for you!

Thanks for reading! More videos coming soon!


  • Tim Raleigh said...

    You really gotta start using Sketchup or something for your designs. That way we can all ooh and ah before you build it...

  • HalfInchShy said...

    You are so correct, Tim... I tried a few times to learn SketchUp. Not that it's difficult, but when I work generally a ton of hours at the computer, I seem to avoid it except for social things outside of work! Hangouts, social media, YouTube... but SketchUp is thinking :)

    I need to do a mockup of this project to get the bumps out of the process before committing it to nice stock. Now if relatives would stay home, I'd get more shop time :)

  • Elliot said...

    Thanks for the nice review.